Tuesday, October 24, 2006


When my sister was younger, about twelve (12) years old, her and some of her friends wanted to form a Riotgrrrl band called "Little Girls' Dirty Sunday Panties." I find that funny. Personally I have toyed with the name "Cocksleeve and the Boner Ponies" but now I kind of like "The Intrepid Pubes." I think the later makes sense too because "little black curlies" are probably more ubiquitous than cockroaches. Of course this 'pubic migration' if you will, is often helped along by real princes of the food service industry who see it as their mission to pass along their DNA by adding it to the orders of rude customers. But even without the hard work of these classy fellows it's quite evident that these little buggers would get in our food anyway. That's just how they operate. And while I'm certain that no one has actually documented the mating habits of pubic hairs one has only to use the toilet in some hippy's apartment to understand that these things reproduce. You've been warned people, I'm doing my best to look out for you. So while mankind may have been to the Moon, I bet if you looked hard enough you could probably find pubes there too. These magnificent hairy explorers put Vasco de Gama to shame. Shame on you Vasco de Gama.
Wow, the thought-poopies are providing some real brilliance, which goes to show that toilet humour is.... like pubes.... here to stay.

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