Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Practice... lots of fucking practice

I'm thinking about careers in art at the moment. It's really a tough thing to consider because while I've wanted to study art for over a decade now, I've always been a little too chicken shit to give it a real chance. Back in the college years I was faced with a choice, I had narrowed down my major to two possibilities: art and philosophy. In the end philosophy won out because I figured that art was something I could teach myself. Perhaps I am right to some extent? I don't know, but while I don't regret the decision to study philosophy, I sometimes feel that a career in art may have been somewhat easier to persue when I was younger and had more drive.
On the other hand, I do have a BA. I've considered graduate schools on a couple of occassions but my grades have kept me out. The irony is so palpable it hurts. So I've continued to tumble down the road of life without really doing to much to stear myself and I am having a hard time mustering up the courage to change all that. Like a fool I keep waiting for something to happen that will equate to some epiphany, some sign that there is something on this earth that I was meant to do.
But I'm now starting to learn that you have to take risks in order to succeed, you have to be able to fail to make progress. I'm certainly not at the end of my rope, but I would like to know what's going on a little bit further up.


Anonymous said...

Dream big and dare to fail. You know it's right ... you feel it in your gut. You just have to first realize and then believe that, if you do fail, you have people who love you, and they will pick you up and give you time to lick your wounds. to be cont...

Anonymous said...

response part 2: Failure is NOT the worst thing that could happen in your life. Having a bucket full of acid thrown at you would suck considerably more than giving your all to something you think you'll love only to discover that ... well ... it sucks. Imagination and dreams aren't stopping you, so what is?

JC said...

Hello Burning,
I want to ravage you like homeless man hopped up on ripple wine.... you saucy little minx you!