Friday, October 20, 2006

Skills: Smoke Ciggies (+3), Irreverent S.O.B.(+1)

Fuck it all. I have not been as brave as I would like to be. I'm changing that, I'm not going to worry about what people think about whatever the fuck it is that I talk about on this blog. My old blog is nice, quaint, and flat out just fucking boring. Sure, being a respectable human being has i'ts benefits, no one is offended, no one gets their feelings hurt, no one cares. Fuck that. If there comes a time where I need to have a inoffensive, happy time blog, then I will create a new one. Right now I need to explore some previously untrodden paths like spewing thoughless bile and bullshit, freely distributing my opinion about the internet, and shamelessly engaging in ego masturbation. I have found that the utterly suffocating practice of self-censorship is not only metally dangerous but has the tendancy to suck the creative "juices" completely dry.
So I say let go of the inhibitions, feel free to liberally use words like: cock, shit, fuck, motherfucker, bullshit, retard, and fuckwit. Let the cathartic influence of mental regurgitation cleanse the pathways of the mind.
Like all skills crafting one's linguistic effluent into humorous turd-nuggets of surprisingly high-caliber does take practice. But time + effort + true to yourself + a bit of cumin powder = success, and I'm starting now.

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